Canada love Cuba



5 Reasons Why Canadians Love to Travel to Cuba

Posted By : Yaidier Perez/ 7629 0

Cuba is an island that is located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, next to the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and relatively close to Mexico. And we all know that Cuba is one of the favorite places for Canadian Travelers when they decide to go on vacation, but. Why Canadians love to travel to Cuba instead of other destinations in the Caribbean? In this post I present to you the 5 main reason why this happen 🙂

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#5 – Canadians Love to travel to Cuba because Safety

Cuban Police Officer on the street-min

Cuba, despite being a poor country, is one of the safest in the entire hemisphere. Security is almost total since there is no drug or organized crime. Tourists walk freely around the area without any major worry.

Although it is very common from time to time to find some military officers on the beach, these are only there to prevent street vendors from approaching tourists with the intention of offering their products.

#4 – Beautiful Beaches

Varadero Beach with an street Seller

In Cuba, you can find some of the most beautiful beaches not only in all of America but all over the world. It is not surprising that Varadero Beach has been in the second position in the category of Best Beaches in the world of TripAdvisor.

Although Varadero is the favorite sun and beach destination, since it is only 150km from the Cuban capital, there are also some hidden gems on the island, whose beaches are still considered “virgin” by some locals. I refer to the Beaches of “Los Cayos”, which includes Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Coco, and Cayo Santa María.

#3 – Because of the kindness of the Cubans

A cuban woman smiling

Cubans are really exceptional people, despite the difficult economic situation that many of them suffer, they always have a welcome smile and are always in a good mood ,and this is without a doubt one of the main reasons why Canadians Love to travel to Cuba.

When you meet a Cuban for the first time, it gives you the impression that you have known him/her for a lifetime.
It happens very often that some Canadians or other tourists, in general, make some kind of friendship with hotel workers, and suddenly they are having dinner one night at their home and meeting their whole family.

#2 There is no Capitalism

Classic Car Taxi in Cuba

Unquestionably the sensation of walking through the streets of Havana, Varadero or any other city in Cuba without having commercials all over is something that really feels good.

One can appreciate the true face of the city and the story that tells its facades. Without a doubt, when it will happen that the Cuban system changes and foreign investment comes, followed by McDonalds and Wallmart posters everywhere, that day, we will lose many Canadian friends, since they prefer to see a Natural Cuba.

#1 – Because of its Traditions

Buena Vista Social Club

Many Travelers simply marvel when they arrive in Cuba for the first time, in addition to the warmth of welcome radiated by the Cuban people, they also discover that this beautiful island is full of beautiful traditions, such as traditional Cuban music, food, coffee, and the Habanos.

There are many travelers who have confessed to us that Cuba is like their second home, that sometimes they feel that in some way it is here where they belong, they love Cuba, its people, and its customs. And they are friends who always come back, they are friends from Canada who love Cuba.

If you think I have forgotten to mention a specific reason why the people of Canada love to travel to Cuba, do not hesitate to leave it in the comments

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